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Collection : Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Edited by Christine Détrez, Yves-François Le Lay and Igor Moullier

The "Sociétés, Espaces, Temps" collection has, since 1993, been publishing works covering predominantly history, geography and sociology which address issues and themes which bring together the three disciplines. It includes original and unpublished research projects on cross-cutting themes or objects of study, along with plentiful epistemological reflection. It devotes attention to the history of the disciplines themselves, prior to the current divisions. Firmly fixed in the contemporary world, it remains open to older periods of history.
The collection consists predominantly of monographs and is designed to incorporate both paper-based materials and digital and interactive resources and corpora.

• ISSN : 12581135
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Frédéric Moret
Les socialistes et la ville
Grande-Bretagne, France 1820-1850
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Panoramas urbains
Situation de l'histoire des villes
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Rémi Baudouï, Yves Cohen
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Transition, fragmentation, recomposition
La Tchéco-Slovaquie en 1992
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

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