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Collection : Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Edited by Christine Détrez, Yves-François Le Lay and Igor Moullier

The "Sociétés, Espaces, Temps" collection has, since 1993, been publishing works covering predominantly history, geography and sociology which address issues and themes which bring together the three disciplines. It includes original and unpublished research projects on cross-cutting themes or objects of study, along with plentiful epistemological reflection. It devotes attention to the history of the disciplines themselves, prior to the current divisions. Firmly fixed in the contemporary world, it remains open to older periods of history.
The collection consists predominantly of monographs and is designed to incorporate both paper-based materials and digital and interactive resources and corpora.

• ISSN : 12581135
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Etienne Fouilloux, Bernard Hours
Les jésuites à Lyon
XVIe - XXe siècle
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Violette Rey, Thérèse Saint-Julien
Territoires d'Europe
La différence en partage
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Rebecca Rogers, Geneviève Fraisse
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
In 1791 Condorcet passionately defended "common education for both sexes in mixed schools" as a democratic measure - but his words fell on deaf ears. Nine decades later, the Republicans opted for single-sex schools when they created state secondary education for girls.

Jean-Marc Besse
Les grandeurs de la terre
Aspects du savoir géographique à la Rennaissance
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Paul Arnould, Micheline Hotyat
Eau et environnement. Tunisie et milieux méditérranéens
Eau et environnement. Tunisie et milieux méditerranéens
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This volume is the result of a collaboration between Tunisian and French climatologists, hydrologists and biogeographers who have engaged in a dialogue from one shore of the Mediterranean to the other. In terms of content it concentrates on quantitative data and figures rather than Bachelard's cherished dream.

Frédéric Dufaux, Annie Fourcaut, Rémi Skoutelsky
Faire l'histoire des grands ensembles
Bibliographie 1950-1980
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Vincent Lemire, Stéphanie Samson
Baraques. L'album photographique du dispensaire
La Mouche - Gerland, 1929-1936
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Marc Deleplace, Michel Vovelle
L'Anarchie de Mably à Proudhon (1750-1850)
Histoire d'une appropriation polémique
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Jacqueline Bonnamour
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Odile Piriou, Renaud Sainsaulieu
La sociologie des sociologues
Formation, identité, profession
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

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