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Collection : Signes

The "Signes" collection includes publications in the following fields:
- research into French, European and World literature of the 20TH and 21ST centuries, as well as research into contemporary work.
- research on the relationships between literature and human sciences, between literature and the other arts and between history and the theory of modernist literature, from Romanticism to the contemporary avant-gardes, by being receptive to the question of exchanges and translation in the widest sense.
Focusing on these areas, it publishes collective works which represent the results of academic research and individual studies which are intended to become poetological reference works. It also republishes important texts which are difficult to obtain.

• ISSN : 12551015
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Nathalie Saudo-Welby, Jean-Jacques Lecercle
Jack and Jekyll
La dégénérescence en Grande-Bretagne 1880-1914
Degeneration in Great-Britain 1880-1914
Late nineteenth century Great-Britain was haunted by a fear of degeneration which confusedly merged concerns about morbid heredity, "racial decline" and social pathology. Degeneration discourse became the common ground shared by alarmist pseudo-scientific texts and Gothic fiction.

Nicolas Aude
Les aveux imaginaires
Imaginary Confessions
Scénographie de la confession dans le roman (Angleterre, France, Russie)
Scenography of Self-Revelation in the Novel (England, France, Russia)
From the end of the 18th century, women and men writers struggle to publish the mysteries of holy confession in fictions. In the light of a cultural history of confession, this book attempts to study the games of inversion between the intimate and the public that characterize the writing of their novels.

Claire Cazajous-Augé
À la trace
La poéthique animalière des nouvelles de Rick Bass
An Animal Poethics in Rick Bass' Short Stories
This book looks at an animal poetics in the short stories of Montana eco-writer Rick Bass. It looks at the manners in which Bass' fictional writing plays an essential role in protecting the non-human world and celebrating the value of animal modes of being. It attempts to give voice to a fiction that is outstandingly activist and inherently poetic

Chantal Delourme
Et une phrase…
Virginia Woolf, écrire dans l'entre-deux-guerres.
The work elaborates a thought of the Woolfian poetics whose plastic, moving articulation is the sentence, such as the English language designates it by the word "a phrase". The work is thus an essay of poetics that stands out from the biographical, historicizing approaches that dominate in Woolfian criticism. that make it an original work.

Romain Benini
Filles du peuple ?
Songs of the people ?
Pour une stylistique de la chanson au XIXe siècle
Elements of history and stylistics for the study of 19th century French songs

Sylvain Santi, Michel Surya
Cerner le réel
Grasping reality
Christian Prigent à l'œuvre
Christian Prigent at work
In this first essay devoted to Christian Prigent's literary work, the author's decisive opposition between "réel" and reality serves as a guiding principle for analysing a theory and practice of literature that has been developing for almost fifty years.

Julien Nègre
L'arpenteur vagabond
The Surveyor and the Saunterer
Cartes et cartographies dans l'œuvre de Henry David Thoreau
Maps and Mapping in Henry David Thoreau's writings
This book explores the role played by maps and mapping in the writings of Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau was a professional surveyor and he had a deep and intimate knowledge of the history of cartography and of mapping practices. This work is based on a thorough archival investigation to locate and identify the maps that Thoreau used.

Alain Trouvé
Lire l'humain
Reading the Human Dimension
Aragon, Ponge : esthétiques croisées
Aragon, Ponge : Crossed Aesthetics
The works of Aragon and Ponge, major figures of 20th century literature, are the subject of this first systematic confrontation The reflection focuses on a relationship to language, to the revolutionary and perhaps, beyond supposed ideologies, to providing the human dimension.

Raphaël Luis
La carte et la fable
The Map and the Fable
Stevenson, modèle d'une nouvelle fiction latino-américaine (Bioy Casares, Borges, Cortázar)
Stevenson, Model of a New Latin American Fiction (Bioy Casares, Borges, Cortázar)
The aim of the present study is to use Robert Louis Stevenson's works as an hermeneutical model to reconsider part of the story of the Latin American literature during the twentieth century. The study is a comparison between Stevenson's theorical and fictional works and those of Bioy Casares, Borges and Cortázar from 1935 to 1955.

Christophe Martin, Jean-Christophe Abramovici, Michèle Rosellini, Yannck Séîté
« Raconter d'autres partages »
"Telling other sharing":
Littérature, anthropologie et histoire culturelle. Mélanges offerts à Nicole Jacques-Lefèvre
This volume brings together a series of contributions in homage to Nicole Jacques-Lefèvre who was a major figure in the development of literature research at the ENS in Fontenay-Saint-Cloud in the last quarter of the twentieth century.This work also offers the dynamic image of a current stream of literary studies

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