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Yves Girault, Yann Lhoste
RDST, n°1/2010
Opinions et savoirs

Patricia Marzin-Janvier, Isabelle Kermen
RDST, n°12/2015
L'expérimental en sciences, réel ou virtuel ?
Labwork in science, real or virtual?
The proposals included in this theme issue address the possible forms of empirical referent and the role of practical activities in science education learning. Another point study is the appropriation of the experimental approach by the students.

Auteurs divers

Virginie Albe, Christian Orange
RDST, n°2/2011
Sciences des scientifiques et sciences scolaires

Nicolas Décamp, Denise Orange-Ravachol
RDST, n°27/2023
L'évaluation et l'enseignement des sciences et des technologies
Assessment and teaching of science and technologies
The question of evaluation is particularly present and lively in educational systems. Yet, paradoxically, it does not appear to be a subject of primary importance in science and technology education research. This issue of RDST attempts to take stock of what this research has to say on this subject.

Cécile (de) Hosson, Patricia Schneeberger
RDST, n°3/2011
Didactique des sciences et histoire des sciences

RDST, n°4/2011
Le temps et l'espace

Eric Bruillard, Vassilis Komis, Thérèse Laferrière
RDST, n°6/2012
TIC et apprentissage des sciences : promesses et usages

Pierre Duhem
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
It took more than a century to The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, the major work of Pierre Duhem in the philosophy of science, to become a classic.

Anaïs Albert, Clyde Plumauzille, Sylvain Ville
Tracés, n°32/2017
Déplacer les frontières du travail
Shifting the boundaries of work
The recent shifting of industrial capitalism in western societies has blurred the definition of work itself and its place in society.

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