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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Thomas Lacroix, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
L'État sans frontières
The borderless state.
Comment les migrations transforment l'État ?
How migrations transform the states
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Marion Demonteil
Inspecter la culture
Inspecting Culture
Une sociologie de l'écriture administrative
Sociology of Administrative Writing
Gouvernement en question(s)
Centering its analysis on the inspection report, this book vividly illustrates the how inspectorates have become independent institutions. By looking at those who are responsible for writing, commissioning, and receiving these reports, the book sheds light not only on the writing practices but also on the intricate dynamics surrounding them.

Valérie Bonnet, Emmanuel Marty, Cécile Robert
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°134/2024
Mécaniques de la dépolitisation
Mechanics of depoliticisation
This issue sets out to explore the various discursive mechanisms of depoliticisation, including the disqualification of a political approach to the issues and subjects at stake, the narrowing of the space for democratic debate, and the invisibilisation of politics through the gradual imposition of supposedly apolitical rationalities.

Maxime Boidy, Marie Fabre, Alice Leroy
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°31/2023
Gênes 2001. Histoires, mémoires et futurs d'un événement politique
Genoa 2001. Narratives, memories and perspectives of a political event
The twelve contributions in this Laboratoire italien issue examine the record of the Genoa G8 counter-summit in July 2001, twenty years after its ferocious repression by the Italian police, by cross-referencing perspectives from social sciences, literary studies, oral narrative, film studies and visual studies.

François Alfandari, Anaïs Bonanno, Lina Cárdenas, Saphia Doumenc, Willy Gibard, Lucas Winiarski
Enquêter sur les relations professionnelles
Investigating Industrial Relations
Méthodes, outils et pratiques
Methods, Tools, and Practices
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
In a context of transformation of social relations at work, how can we investigate industrial relations? Based on original contributions by young social science researchers, this collective book offers methodological guidelines to researchers and students interested in this field of study.

Virginie Hollard, Romain Meltz
Astérion, n°29/2023
A Semantic History of Politics. Studies about res publica
Pour une histoire sémantique du politique. Études sur la res publica
This feature extends the contributions of Claudia Moatti's book Res publica. Histoire romaine de la chose publique which offers another way of looking at an ancient political concept.To study the question of the relationship between language and the practice and to examine the way in which the concept of res publica has been received by posterity.

Chloé Gaboriaux, Cédric Passard, Annabelle Seoane
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°133/2023
La République au-delà du slogan
Invoking "the Republic", calling oneself a "Republican"... Does the term Republic still have any meaning? The texts in this issue show that the polysemy of the word is less a reflection of the evanescence of its meaning than of a polymorphous debate on the definition of citizenship in a world marked by deepening individualism.

Sergio Sismondo, Mathias Girel
Le management fantôme de la médecine
Ghost-Managed Medicine
Les mains invisibles de Big Pharma
Big Pharma's Invisible Hands
Gouvernement en question(s)
Sismondo describes what happens within the chain from the design of the clinical trial to the diffusion of drug results, and highlights what he calls "ghost-management", which allows for a high degree of control of drug science by the pharmaceutical industry to influence doctors' prescriptions.

Louis Autin, Virginie Hollard, Romain Meltz, Valérie Bonnet
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°132/2023
Les mots du vote de la Rome antique à la Révolution française
Words describing voting, from Ancient Rome to the French Revolution
The Romans had a rich vocabulary in Latin to describe the voting process. This issue examines how this vocabulary came to take on different meanings, depending on the historical and political contexts in which it was used, in the ancient period as well as in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Classical Age.

Julien Auboussier, Milena Doytcheva, Aude Seurrat, Nicanor Tatchim
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°131/2023
La diversité en discours : contextes, formes et dispositifs
Diversity discourses: contexts, forms and systems
This dossier explores a critical approach to "diversity" in its discursive and linguistic dimensions. It debates the meaning of "diversity", the different conceptions it encompasses, its uses, specific variations, in connection with the actors' strategies and in a plurality of enunciation contexts.

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