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Violaine Anger
"Sonate, que me veux-tu ?"
"Sonate, what do you mean to me ?"
Pour penser une histoire du signe
Elements to a history of the sign
How can a music signify without text ? Instead of having a definite perspective, the book reconstructs the debates that happened. It elaborates families of thought and integrates the problem of the performer. Thus it opens the way to a comparative analysis of the styles, in their relation to an anthropology.

Jean-Marie Guyau
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Noëlle Renaude, Barbara Métais-Chastanier
Essai épistolaire
Tohu Bohu

Katia Schneller, Noura Wedell, Jean-Marie Gleize
This book has precedence and an audience in visual arts, critical studies, visual studies and esthetics but also draws on a variety of interdisciplinary texts and topics across the humanities, in literature, poetry and philosophy making it interesting to a wider audience.

Julie Aybes, Bilel Bougamra, Edwin Fauthoux-Kresser
Collection Carnet de recherches "écriture et photographie"
Hors Collection

Cédric Lesec
Tohu Bohu

Anne Jarrigeon
État de lieux
Hors Collection

Stanislas Amand
Hors Collection

Paul Arnould, David Gauthier, Yves-François Le Lay, Michel Salmeron, Gilles Clément, Olivier Faron
Hors Collection

Nora Philippe, Charlotte Ribeyrol, Sandrine Alexandre
Tohu Bohu

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