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Renaud (d') Enfert

lien IdRef : 070943427

Renaud (d') Enfert, Yves Gaulupeau
Un art pour tous
Le dessin à l'école de 1800 à nos jours

Edited by Renaud (d') Enfert

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Renaud (d') Enfert, Stéphane Lembré, Yves Verneuil

Renaud (d') Enfert, Stéphane Lembré

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Renaud (d') Enfert

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Renaud (d') Enfert
Revue française de pédagogie, n°199/2017
L'histoire des disciplines : un champ de recherche en mutation
The history of disciplines: the reconfiguration of a research field
Thirty years after André Chervel's innovative article on the history of school subjects, this special issue aims to put into perspective the recent changes and trends in this field of research, which is now characterised by a growing interest in actors, i.e. those who "produce" the disciplines.

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Renaud (d') Enfert, Emmanuelle Picard
Histoire de l'éducation, n°142/2014
Les associations de spécialistes : militantisme et identités professionnelles (XXe-XXIe siècle)
Subject associations : militancy and professional identities (20th-21th century)
In this issue of Histoire de l'éducation, the thematic part examines the way these associations contribute to the construction of a shared professional culture constitutive of professional identities, and participate in the governance of the educational system