École et migration : un accord dissonant ?
School and migration: a dissonant chord? Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
L'État sans frontières
The borderless state. Comment les migrations transforment l'État
How migrations transform the states Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Familles sans frontières ?
Le cas des nouvelles migrations italiennes à Paris
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Habiter le transnational
Dwelling in the transnational Espace, travail et migration entre Java, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour
Space, work and migration between Java, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore De l'Orient à l'Occident
Indonesia is little studied in the sociology of new international migrations. However, by implementing a socio-anthropology of migrations, this book shows that the migrations of Indonesian workers to Malaysia and Singapore are key to the transformation of Southeast Asian societies and to the globalization of regional economies.
Migration chinoise et compétitions urbaines à Dakar
Chinese migration and urban competitions in Dakar De l'Orient à l'Occident
This book focuses on the competition in the urban space of Dakar, between different categories of actors in a situation of co-presence: groups of deterritorialized Chinese evolving in the commercial activity, and young promoters of economic activities with little legitimacy; shoemakers and street traders.
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°129/2022
Migration et crise : une co-occurrence encombrante
Migration and crisis: a cumbersome co-occurrence This dossier focuses on the framing of migratory phenomena as a crisis, with a particular focus on what discourses of crisis do to reception. It brings together contributions from researchers from various disciplines, who investigate both the discursive constructions of the migration crisis and the crisis of discourses on migration.
Revue française de pédagogie, n°191/2015
Les descendants d'immigrés à l'école : destins scolaires et origines des inégalités
Children of immigrants at school: academic futures and roots of inequality |