Les politiques d'éducation prioritaire en Europe
Conceptions, mises en oeuvre, débats
Conception, mises en oeuvre, débats
This volume presents the first results from the EuroPEP study in which a comparative analysis was carried out of priority education policies (PEP) in eight European countries: England, Belgium, France, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, and Sweden. It emphasises the developments which have affected education policies from when they were first formulated as "compensation policies" in the late 1960s. It studies their content and the ways in which they have been implemented and addresses the related debates and knowledge.
Compensation policies were created during a period of optimism where the possibility of a more egalitarian society was concerned and during the extension of political reforms designed to ensure the transition from elitist schools to integrated schools for the masses, where equal opportunities can be guaranteed. Therefore, they are usually localised policies: additional help has to be provided and resources mobilised to combat educational inequality in urban areas where economic and social problems tend to be concentrated. Some of these policies survive to this day; however, they have undergone significant transformations in the name of the struggle against exclusion, whilst new measures based on a whole different philosophy have gradually emerged elsewhere.
The volume describes and examines these developments which involve identifying their beneficiaries, organisation, curricula, teaching activities and aims. Greater use of special measures, the care of “at risk groups”, personalised learning, adjustments to the curriculum to cater for “special needs”, these are just some of the elements which are shaping a new age for “Priority Education Policies” whose bearing on the issues of democratising access to knowledge remains very uncertain.
Jean-Yves Rochex
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Jean-Yves Rochex, Sylvain Doussot
Jean-Yves Rochex
This issue of the Revue française de pédagogie is entirely dedicated to the work of Viviane Isambert-Jamati, who died on November 19, 2019.
After a presentation that underlines the originality and fruitfulness of her work, this report brings together nine of her texts published between 1973 and 2005, and which have become difficult to access.
Jean-Yves Rochex, Sylvain Doussot
Revue française de pédagogie, n°202/2018
Recherche, politique et pratiques en éducation : services rendus et questions posées d'un univers à l'autre /3
Educational research, policy and practice: services provided and questions posed between the different spheres /3
The reader will find analyses, reflection and testimonials on the complex and "intermittent" relationships between the worlds of research and political decision-making at both national and local.
Jean-Yves Rochex, Sylvain Doussot
Revue française de pédagogie, n°201/2017
Recherche, politique et pratiques en éducation : services rendus et questions posées d'un univers à l'autre /2
Educational research, policy and practice: services provided and questions posed between the different spheres /2
Based on a new call for papers, this issues (200 and 201) consist of articles by scholars and contributions from stakeholders from a range of backgrounds (experts, policy makers, activists etc.). The articles cover a wide variety of domestic and institutional situations including
Jean-Yves Rochex, Sylvain Doussot
Revue française de pédagogie, n°200/2017
Recherche, politique et pratiques en éducation : services rendus et questions posées d'un univers à l'autre
Educational research, policy and practice: services provided and questions posed between the different spheres
For its 200th issue, the Revue française de pédagogie, decided to take a fresh look at one the fundamental questions which have defined it since it was first published in 1967: the relationship between academic research, politics, administration and professional practice in education.
Daniel Frandji, Jean-Yves Rochex
Marc Demeuse, Daniel Frandji, David Greger, Jean-Yves Rochex
This second volume, which deals with the results of the EuroPEP comparative study, aims to improve understanding of what is happening with respect to these policies in eight European countries. It uses the analysis of transversal themes which emerge as key elements in the construction and evolution of the policies observed.
François Jacquet-Francillon, Jean-Yves Rochex