This book highlights the role of French history, politics, and culture in the formation and reflection of Gramsci. Gramsci's formation is largely made up of French culture and, throughout his work, France serves as a point of reference from which to think about the Italian situation. We examine some of his most important concepts (Jacobinism, national-popular…), some of his historical themes (the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the city-countryside relationship…), political (revolutionary syndicalism, Maurras and the French Action…) and cultural (French culture and literature, French intellectuals…) themes, putting them in resonance with his overall thinking and the rhythm of his thought. He used France to think about Italy and its place in "the great and terrible world" shaken by the Great War and the Russian Revolution, and it is ultimately a dual perspective, inseparably European and internationalist, that underlies this "Gramsci's France".