Aitia, 11.2/2021
Visualiser l'Iliade
Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIe siècle
Visualizing the Iliad
The aim of the papers brought together in this volume is to show how the Homeric text and the figurative representations can be complementary to each other, and how they shed light on each other. The Homeric poem has not only had a wide posterity in the literary tradition, but has also permeated a much wider artistic tradition and the diffusion of the iliadic influence on not only literary supports makes it possible to better understand the importance of the poem in ancient culture. We have tried to take into consideration the different modes of representation, giving a preponderant place to figurative, pictorial or sculptural representations, without forbidding ourselves to consider other representations such as theatrical representation.
Christophe Cusset
: 035262486
Sophie Aubert-Baillot, Christophe Cusset, Gweltaz Guyomarc'h
Aitia, n°12/2022
Lectures du livre III des Entretiens d'Epictète
Interpretations of Epictetus' Discourses, Book 3
Through an approach that brings together contributors from various specialties, this volume, which is the result of international meetings in ancient philosophy, seeks to give an account of Epictetus' thought in all its richness by examining the historical, rhetorical and philosophical issues at stake in Epictetus' Discourses, Book 3.
Christophe Cusset
The work of Herodas, which emphasizes a learned culture, the crossing of genres and brevity, is at the heart of Hellenistic aesthetics. This volume brings together several articles which aim to highlight certain specific characteristics of the art of this poet, who has been rediscovered relatively recently
Isabelle Boehm, Christophe Cusset, Emmanuelle Morel
Aitia, n°9-2/2019
Aitia, n° 9-2/2019
Approches linguistiques d'Apollonios de Rhodes
Linguistic approaches of Apollonius Rhodius
This issue of the Aitia-journal collects the proceedings of an unprecedented workshop on the language of Apollonius of Rhodes. If the Alexandrian literature knew a revival of interest for a few decades, the attention which one paid to the language used by the Alexandrian poets remains still very weak. Here is asked the question of linguistic study
Jérôme Bastick, Christophe Cusset, Claire Vieilleville
Aitia, n°9-1/2019
Le bouvier dans la poésie hellénistique et le roman grec
Cowherds in Hellenistic Poetry and Greek Novel
Christophe Cusset, Adele Teresa Cozzoli
Aitia, n°6/2016
Recherches sur l'epyllion à l'époque hellénistique et au-delà
Research on epyllion in the Hellenistic period and beyond