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Edited by Emmanuel Delille

Sociétés, Espaces, Temps


Henri Ellenberger's "Ethnopsychiatry" is the first synthesis in the French language on this hybrid discipline at the crossroads of psychiatry and ethnology, which developed in the post-war era with the end of colonial empires and which has met with tremendous success in recent decades. This body of work is of great interest within the history of humanities and social sciences. On the one hand, it represents a case study of the circulation of knowledge between France and North America as it was written in Montréal by a French-speaking researcher educated in Paris. On the other hand, it raises interesting questions about the transition between colonial medicine and the contemporary practices of ethnopsychiatry on the mainland with migrants. The new edition comes in three parts. The first offers a general presentation which puts the sources back into the context of the knowledge of this particular historical period, placing a strong emphasis on the actors and academic networks in medicine, psychology and social sciences. In the second part, the original text is reproduced and annotated. The third part offers a number of unpublished archives. This work is as much of a basic for researchers as for students and medical professionals.

Emmanuel Delille
lien IdRef : 177799943


Sonia Combe, Emmanuel Delille
Choix sous contraintes
Choiceless Choices
Survivre et décider dans l'univers concentrationnaire
Surviving and Deciding in the Concentration Camp Universe
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps