Journal :
Revue française de pédagogie - Recherches en éducation
Founded in 1967, the Revue Française de Pédagogie represents a leading location for scientific discussion and publication of education research in the French-speaking world. It addresses issues with a broad perspective that is open to diverse approaches and to contributions from multiple disciplines, including psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, and education. Generally grouped into themed collections, the papers provide access to the most recent contributions to education research. Each issue also includes an executive summary, which presents and critiques gains, changes, and topical issues in research on a given area, broadening horizons on a national and international level. Finally, the column "Critical Reviews" provides readers information and reflection on the most important recent publications.
Les enfants parlent de la classe
How children talk about the classroom
When adults talk about the classroom, they impose a way of perceiving it, of interpreting it. But what happens when children talk about the classroom? The three articles which comprise this issue report on recent studies which, adopting different approaches, collect children's statements about the classroom using original methods.
Les décrochages scolaires : des situations aux parcours
Dropping out: From situations to pathways
This dossier sets out to examine the pathways of young people who have left school without obtaining at least a school-leaving qualification. Beyond these situations which are institutionally termed "dropping out", it is their pathways which are analysed here, based on surveys conducted with these young people.
Quand étudier, c'est travailler. Cadres institués des études et perspectives étudiantes
When studying is working. Established frameworks and student perspectives
This issue focuses on the question of learning in higher education by using methods and concepts from the sociology of work. This heuristic perspective seeks to make visible all the activities and dimensions of student work.
This approach focuses on their practices, their own rationales, which may or may not lead to success.
La LPPR et la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche : analyses critiques
The LPPR and the reform of higher education and research in France: critical analyses
Reflecting opposition to the Multi-Year Research Programming (LPPR) law in France, the RFP brings together in this issue contributions from specialists in higher education and research from varied backgrounds; By setting up a dialogue between these different points of view, the journal sets out to make a critical contributition to debate.
Hommage à Viviane Isambert-Jamati
Homage to Viviane Isambert-Jamati
This issue of the Revue française de pédagogie is entirely dedicated to the work of Viviane Isambert-Jamati, who died on November 19, 2019.
After a presentation that underlines the originality and fruitfulness of her work, this report brings together nine of her texts published between 1973 and 2005, and which have become difficult to access.
Instruction(s) en famille. Explorations sociologiques d'un phénomène émergent
Home education(s) in France: sociological explorations of an emerging phenomenon
Since its introduction in France by the Ferry Act of March 28, 1882, compulsory education may be provided at home, rather than in public or private schools.The studies compiled in this issue provide guidelines for addressing this little-known phenomenon, which, given its statistical evolution ,is likely to develop further.
Femmes et cour entre le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance : nouvelles perspectives de recherche (SEMYR)
Women and Court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: new lines of research (SEMYR)
La créativité dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des sciences et des technologies
Creativity in science and technology teaching and learning The creativity in the teaching and learning of science and technology
« L'origine des inégalités » : résurgences et réappropriations d'un grand récit
"The origin of inequality": The resurgence and reappropriation of a grand narrative