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Journal : Mots. Les langages du politique

The journal Mots. Les Langages du Politique falls within the scope of an interdisciplinary perspective between Language Sciences, Political Science, and Information and Communication Sciences.

Mots. Les Langages du Politique publishes thematic feature articles, articles under the heading of "Varia," research papers, and reviews. The articles are published in French and accompanied by abstracts with key words in French, English, and Spanish.

The journal is published with support from the CNRS, and the scientific support of the UMR CRAPE, ICAR, Triangle, the EA CEDITEC and the Société d'étude des langages du politique (SELP).

• 3 issues per year
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Chloé Gaboriaux, Camille Noûs
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°126/2021
Le travail et ses maux
Work and its evils
This dossier brings together contributions dealing with words at work. Coming from political science, sociology, anthropology or information and communication sciences, the authors examine the way in which the neo-managerial discourse is conveyed and imposed by private and public sector executives and the way in which employees respond to it.

Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier, Annabelle Seoane, Nicolas Hubé, Pierre Leroux
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°125/ 2021
Discours de haine dans les réseaux socionumériques
Hate speech on social media

Paul Bacot, Valérie Bonnet, François Genton
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°124/2020
Chanter le collectif
Singing the collective
Among all the songs that celebrate and objectify the existence of a human collective, anthems occupy a prominent place, but not an exclusive one. This dossier deals with the conditions of their emergence, their linguistic and musical characteristics, their transformations and their multiple social uses.

Valérie Bonnet, Béatrice Fracchiolla, Lilian Mathieu
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°123/2020
Mots. Les langages du politique n°123/2020
De la racine à l'extrémisme. Discours des radicalités politiques et sociales
From the root to extremism. Political and social radicality in speech
Starting from the definition of the discourse of political radicality as both a discourse of (de)legitimisation and a discourse of confrontation, the aim of this issue of the journal Mots is to define (de)radicalisation strategies. It also sets out to define the ways in which the discourse of political radicality is understood.

Marion Ballet, Domitille Caillat, Hugues de Chanay, Dominique Desmarchelier
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°122/2020
Reprendre la parole de l'autre en politique
Reiterating the words of others in politics
Issue no. 122 of Mots focuses on the phenomenon of the flow of discourse in the political sphere. It aims to report on the different ways in which utterances are reiterated and the forms they take, and to determine the specific aims and effects of this discourse which is (re)iterated in the context of public debate.

Valérie Bonnet, Chloé Gaboriaux, Marie Plassart
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°121/2019
Restons groupés ! La construction discursive des relations sociales
Let's stick together! The discursive construction of social relations
Group formation in part happens through discourses that contribute to invent, sustain and transform our imagination of society. This collection of articles proposes an account of the discursive construction of groups, which is wider than the question of naming social or political groups.

Paul Bacot, Michelle Lecolle
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°120/2019
Nom d'un parti ! Pour une onomastique partisane
Nom d'un parti! Partisan onomastics
The names of political organizations are proper nouns with specific features: they name groups, they are chosen by those they will collectively name, and their wording belongs to the common lexicon. This collection of studies tackles party names in a wide variety of situations, countries and ideological persuasions.

Valérie Bonnet, Albane Geslin
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°119/2019
Les mots de l'écologie
The words of ecology
The present collection of articles sheds light on the vibrant research field of discourse analysis on ecological and environmental controversies, which includes studies of lexicon, discourse and argument. The articles analyze several controversies (on fracking, geothermics or planning projects) as well as the citizens' perception of the future.

Gérôme Truc, Christian Le Bart, Émilie Née
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°118/2018
Discours post-attentats
Post-terror attack discourse
The terror attacks of 2015-2016 in France occasioned a lot of commentary. This dossier aims to analyse the unfolding of post-terror attack discourse with perspective. Articles discuss the place given to emotions, the framing modalities of terrorist events and the degree of consensus expressed in post-terror attack discourse

Henri Boyer, Chloé Gaboriaux
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°117/2018
Les « petites phrases »
This dossier aims to study a recent phenomenon that is usually called "soundbites". In the wake of pioneer work on that multifaceted subject, we have opted for a transdisciplinary approach that includes the sciences of language and communication as well as social sciences.

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