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Collection : Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

Education is an important matter in contemporary societies, as it is highlighted by the central position of educational topics in political platforms or by the many debates about educational issues. In the meantime, one often regrets that educational discussions and policies are not based enough on research evidence. Linking research, practitioners and policies therefore becomes a main stake in the field of education. Scholars and academic institutions are frequently asked to support and advice educational practices on strategic challenges, using their research.

In this framework, contribution of the collection Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson  wants to open an original space for debate between academics and practitioners, on a social issue at stake on educational agenda. From this point of view, the collection aimed a broader audience than academic readers, for the two books published each year.

At each time, the editors ask to researchers to make a specific writing clearly oriented towards educational actors and education stakeholders. At the same time, practitioners are asked to give their thinking about the same topic. After which, both researchers and practitioners have to react together during a round-table meeting and going into the common topic in depth. Following the roundtable, final versions of the papers are written and reviewed before publishing.

• ISSN : 2494906X
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Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Régis Guyon
L'orientation scolaire : choisir ou s'adapter ?
School careers guidance: choice or adaptation?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
Far from dealing solely with careers and training in the school environment, career guidance is increasingly having to deal with the renewal of traditional issues, as well as with the emergence of questions about gendered inequalities , the self-censorship of students from working-class backgrounds, and educational and professional inclusion.

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Éducation et territoire : inégalités ou diversité ?
Education and territoriality : inequality or diversity?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
This book brings together researchers specializing in the relationship between education and its territories, from rural schools to universities, as well as education officials, at national and local levels, who have been particularly involved in the territorial dimension of education.

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
École et migration : un accord dissonant ?
School and migration: a dissonant chord?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le métier d'enseignant : une identité introuvable ?
What identity for the teaching profession ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
The "teaching world" is an object of long-standing social and political fantasy. This book both reviews sociological knowledge about the teaching world and provides concrete examples of the challenge of teachers' professional identity.

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
L'autonomie de l'établissement, avec ou contre les enseignants ?
School autonomy, with or against the teachers ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
In France, debates on this subject alternately put autonomy as a weapon "against" teachers or as a means of "unlocking" them. By comparing reviews and experiences, this book proposes some operational approaches to foster interactions between academic research and professional practice on this critical issue.

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
À quoi sert la comparaison internationale en éducation ?
What is the use of international comparisons in education ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
For years, it is noticed a growing attention for international comparisons, as opportunities for benchmarking of educational systems, for best or worst. What's the point of international comparisons in education ? How PISA and other international comparisons are understood and used ?

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le lycée professionnel : relégué et avant-gardiste ?
Vocational French High-School : relegated and avant-guarde ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
Yet, vocational curriculum remains a default solution, often seen as a way to school or social relegation. The papers offer a full and diversified view of the key issues. They combine sociological and didactic approaches.

Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le politique doit-il se mêler d'éducation ?
Do politics have to meddle in education ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson