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Journal : Recherche et formation

Intended for researchers, trainers, teachers, French and foreign academics, the journal Recherche et Formation enables recent research, experiments, innovations, publications, and events in the field of education to be made known. The articles published by Recherche et Formation are scientific papers that present research results; they are accepted on the basis of established procedures used by scientific journals and approved by the AERES (Agence d'Évaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur).

• 3 issues per year
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Lucie Aussel, Dominique Broussal
Recherche et formation, n°99/2022
Les recherches participatives : faire science avec pour former autrement
Participatory research: Doing science collectively to educate differently
This dossier focuses on participatory research as a means to support collective change (social, organisational, etc.). It considers the methodological and epistemological conditions of the knowledge-co-production process from an educational perspective.

Cédric Frétigné, Stéphanie Rubi

Patricia Champy-Remoussenard, sylvain Starck
Recherche et formation, n°97/2021
Comment et pourquoi l'éducation à l'esprit d'entreprendre questionne l'évolution du système éducatif français ?
How and why entrepreneurship education questions the evolution of the French education system
The issue questions the forms and challenges of the development of entrepreneurship education and the transformations that its implementation implies for the education system and its actors (discourses, skills, activities, professionalism).

Cédric Frétigné, Stéphanie Rubi

Cédric Frétigné, Stéphanie Rubi

Francis Lebon, Frédéric Torterat
Recherche et formation, n°94/2020
Approches de la formation en travail social
Training approaches in Social Work
This issue deals with several aspects of training to and through research in the field of Social Work. It examines the logics of recognition and emancipation, the controversies, but also the contexts of emergence of a field within a global movement of mutations of the relevant professions in our contemporary societies.

Jean-Yves Bodergat, Richard Wittorski, Bernard Wentzel
Recherche et formation, n°93/2020
L'évaluation de la professionnalisation en formation
The evaluation of professionalisation in training
The aim of the texts gathered here is to study the way in which the evaluation of professionalisation in training systems is carried out, particularly in the field of teacher training.

Joris Thievenaz
Recherche et formation, n°92/2019
La théorie de l'enquête de John Dewey
John Dewey's theory of the inquiry
John Dewey's concept of inquiry is the subject of a renewed interest in the social and human sciences (SHS), particularly in the field of education and training sciences (ETS). This thematic issue explores the foundations of this theory of experience and its relevance for research and training.

Auteurs divers
Aimed at researchers, trainers, teachers, French and foreign academics, the Research and Training journal makes it possible to publicize research, experiences, innovations, publications and recent events in the field of training.

Noëlle Monin, Herilalaina Rakoto-Raharimanana
Recherche et formation, n°90/2019
Nouveaux enseignants, enseignants nouveaux : la reconversion professionnelle dans le système éducatif
Beginning teachers, new teachers: professional reconversion in the educational system
This thematic issue aims at contributing to the understanding of the conversion to the profession of teacher, the place and role of these reconverted teachers in the educational system and the institutional dimension linked to the evolution of the social composition of the teaching staff and teacher training.

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