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Collection : Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Edited by Christine Détrez, Yves-François Le Lay and Igor Moullier

The "Sociétés, Espaces, Temps" collection has, since 1993, been publishing works covering predominantly history, geography and sociology which address issues and themes which bring together the three disciplines. It includes original and unpublished research projects on cross-cutting themes or objects of study, along with plentiful epistemological reflection. It devotes attention to the history of the disciplines themselves, prior to the current divisions. Firmly fixed in the contemporary world, it remains open to older periods of history.
The collection consists predominantly of monographs and is designed to incorporate both paper-based materials and digital and interactive resources and corpora.

• ISSN : 12581135
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Sylvie Octobre, Frédérique Patureau, Auteurs divers
Sexe et genre des mondes culturels
Sex and gender in cultural worlds
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This collection assembles original works from 30 social scientists on sex and gender differences and inequalities in cultural worlds (including music, visual arts, reading habits, dance, art crafts…)

Patrick Awondo
Le sexe et ses doubles
Sex and its doubles
(Homo)sexualités en postcolonie
Homosexualities in the postcolony
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book examines the emergence of homosexuality as a political subject and mode of subjectivation in the African context. This is the first ethnographic treatment of the rise of homosexual militancy in French-speaking Africa. The book historicizes this rejection of homosexuality by articulating it to the local homosexual culture of repression.

Yannis Gansel, Richard Rechtman
Vulnérables ou dangereux ? Une anthropologie du souci des adolescents difficiles
Vulnerable or dangerous ? an anthropology of care for difficult adolescents
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Margot Beal
Des champs aux cuisines. Histoires de la domesticité en Rhône et Loire, 1848-1940
From fields to kitchens. Histories of domestic labor, Rhône and Loire, 1848-1940
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book on paid domestic work in Mid 19th to mid 20th century France bears more specifically on the Rhône and Loire region.

François Robert, Loïc Bonneval
De la rente immobilière à la finance
From real estate rent to finance
La Société de la rue Impériale (Lyon, 1854-2004)
The Société de la rue Impériale (Lyon, 1854-2004)
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book is about the real estate company that built, owned and managed the buildings the most famous street in Lyon, the "rue de la république", from the XIXth Century to the beginning of the XXth Century. Thanks to this original configuration in France, it is possible to link the story of a company and the story of an urban space.

Marie Morelle
Yaoundé carcérale
Carceral Geography of Yaoundé
Géographie d'une ville et de sa prison
Geography of a city and its own prison
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book is about the daily life in the Yaoundé Central Prison. It crosses urban, social and political approaches of geography, from an object barely studied by the discipline. It is the result of a research conducted since 2010.

Abir Kréfa
Écrits, genre et autorités
Writings, gender and authorities
Enquête en Tunisie
An investigation in Tunisia
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Tunisia is regularly depicted in international medias as an « exception » in its Arab and Muslim environment. Based on sixty sociological interviews with Tunisian writers as well as with publishers,the book emphasizes the different forms of resistance Tunisian writers have opposed to the private and/or state authorities

Sylvain Bertschy, Philippe Salson
Les mises en guerre de l'État
1914-1918 en perspective
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Épistémologies du genre. Croisements des disciplines, intersections des rapports de domination
Epistemologies of gender. Cross-fertilisations of disciplines, intersections of power relations
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
What does it mean today for a researcher to work with the concept of gender? This is what the fourteen contributions brought together in this book demonstrate, from disciplines as varied as geography, history, literature, sociology, sports sciences, linguistics, social psychology, communication studies, education studies or philosophy.

Henri Ellenberger, Emmanuel Delille
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Henri Ellenberger's ethnopsychiatry is the first synthesis in the French language on this hybrid discipline at the crossroads of psychiatry and ethnology, which has met with tremendous success in recent decades. This body of work is of great interest within the history of medicine, humanities, and social sciences.

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