The journal Mots. Les Langages du Politique falls within the scope of an interdisciplinary perspective between Language Sciences, Political Science, and Information and Communication Sciences.
Mots. Les Langages du Politique publishes thematic feature articles, articles under the heading of "Varia," research papers, and reviews. The articles are published in French and accompanied by abstracts with key words in French, English, and Spanish.
The journal is published with support from the CNRS, and the scientific support of the UMR CRAPE, ICAR, Triangle, the EA CEDITEC and the Société d'étude des langages du politique (SELP).
Public discourse is rife with lay and expert talk on the economic crisis. A variety of narratives by politicians, journalists and citizens got woven into representations of "the economic crisis". This issue of Mots focuses on some of those narratives with the combined insights of linguistics, political science and sociology.
Paul Bacot, Dominique Desmarchelier, Sylvianne Rémi-Giraud
Discours d'autorité : des discours sans éclat(s) ?
Are authoritative discourses dull and consensual ?
This issue Mots, makes hypothesis that in every institution different types of discourse co-exist: in some of them the interaction looks like symmetric conversation, in others, such as debates, polemics and controversies.
Thèmes et thématiques dans le discours politique
Topics in Political Discourse Analysis
Topic identification and description is a central theme in political discourse analysis, whether to study the content of electoral programs, the agenda setting of media outlets, or to uncover the discursive strategies of key political players.
The purpose of this dossier is to analyse how collective identities (ethnic, political, social and gender identities) are constructed and displayed through the political and media discourse in Latin America.
Le geste, emblème politique
The gesture, political symbol
Instead gestures which are themselves "activist" – in their usage, their variations, their interpretations and the remarks they elicit – are the object of this dossier, as opposed to individual movements, fleeting, isolated, of particular political actors; even if the latter gestures have taken on a “symbolic” signification.
Les guerres d'antan. Reprises et ressacs ou comment les conflits passés font retour en temps de guerre (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle)
The Wars of Yesteryear. Revival and resurgence, or how past conflicts return to the fore in times of war (Middle Ages-20th century)
Femmes et cour entre le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance : nouvelles perspectives de recherche (SEMYR)
Women and Court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: new lines of research (SEMYR)
La créativité dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des sciences et des technologies
Creativity in science and technology teaching and learning The creativity in the teaching and learning of science and technology
« L'origine des inégalités » : résurgences et réappropriations d'un grand récit
"The origin of inequality": The resurgence and reappropriation of a grand narrative