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Collection : La Croisée des chemins

Research, heritage, controversy - these are just some of the forms the movement of ideas can take. The history of thought is not restricted to grandiose and impenetrable systems; it also includes a large volume of speeches, polemics, and conceptual migrations from one branch of thought to another. The "La croisée des chemins" collection publishes texts on the subject of intellectual history and its current impact: philosophy, political and legal theory, the aesthetics and challenges of scientific practices. It also sets out to promote foreign research in these areas and to make available to readers the key texts which are regarded as milestones in this history.


• ISSN : 17658128
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Audrey Rieber
Le défi préhistorique
The Prehistoric Challenge
Repenser l'histoire depuis l'art paléolithique
Rethinking History through Paleolithic Art
La croisée des chemins
Through an epistemological analysis of history and a philosophical reflection on the knot between art, history and humanity, the book explores the concepts and models that prehistorians, anthropologists and art historians have mobilised to give prehistory a place in the history of art and in our culture.

Jacques-Louis Lantoine, Camille Chevalier
La servitude volontaire
Voluntary Servitude
Postérité, réappropriations et perspectives critiques
Posterity, Reappropriations and Critical Perspectives
La croisée des chemins
The formula « voluntary servitude » is mobilized without being necessarily referred to La Boétie's Discourse. The paradoxical and enigmatic aspect of the expression seduces. This book provides a critical analysis of it and proposes avatars that are more suitable to explain the phenomenon it indicates.

Philippe Chevallier
Michel Foucault et le christianisme
Michel Foucault and Christianity
Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée
La croisée des chemins
What traces has Christianity left in our lives? This question runs through Foucault's work, from research on modern confession to that on Antiquity. This book offers the first synthesis of it. Far from the usual ascetic image, Foucault makes Christianity a fragile relationship with the truth.

Michaël Pouteyo, Michel Chauvière
Fernand Deligny, enfant et institution
Fernand Deligny, child and institution
Pour une histoire de l'enfance en marge
A history of childhood on the margins
La croisée des chemins
While the 19th century put children in school, the first half of the 20th focused on those who didn't go. By examining the trajectory and work of Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), schoolteacher, educator and writer, this book aims to redraw this history. this philosophical investigation aims to better situate Deligny's place.

Anne Alombert
Penser l'humain et la technique
Simondon et Derrida après la métaphysique
La croisée des chemins

Annamaria Contini, Jordi Riba
Jean-Marie Guyau notre contemporain
Jean-Marie Guyau our contemporary
La croisée des chemins
The philosophy of life of Jean-Marie Guyau (1854-1888) represents one of the most original perspectives of his time in the fields of ethics, aesthetics and sociological studies. This book , aims to rediscover the relevance of his thought, by asking a fundamental question: who are Guyau's true contemporaries?

Gérard Raulet
L'éducation esthétique selon Schiller
Schiller on Aesthetic Education
Une contribution à l'archéologie du libéralisme
A Contribution to the Archeology of Liberalism
La croisée des chemins
Based on a close reading of the Letters on Aesthetic Education, the book proposes a reassessment of Schiller's thought, of his problematic belonging to Kantianism and of his contribution to German idealism and political liberalism.

Christophe Bouton, Emmanuel Renault
Lire la Phénoménologie de l'esprit de Hegel
A reader to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
La croisée des chemins
This book, reconstructing the various stages of the development of Hegel's thought in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Each contribution elaborates a synthetic commentary of a chapter or sub-chapter. The main objective is to help the reader understanding these chapters and their interconnections.

Sylvia Giocanti
Anthropologie sceptique et modernité
Skeptical anthropology and modernity
La croisée des chemins
Scepticism is a philosophical current in which doubt is neither a discomfort to be overcome, nor an artifice located at the beginning of an investigation aiming at its own overcoming, but a way of speaking and of standing in existence. What does such a position imply on the anthropological level?

Sophie Audidière, Antoine Janvier
« Il faut éduquer les enfants… »
"Children have to be educated…"
L'idéologie de l'éducation en question
Questioning the ideology of education
La croisée des chemins
The sentence "children have to be educated…" seems all at once like a foregone conclusion, an injunction and an ideal. It seems obvious to adhere to what seems to be an anthropological invari-ant. However, this work proposes another perspective based on philosophical and historical studies of two major periods.

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