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Carlos Heusch
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°38/2015
La théorisation de l'amour au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance (péninsule Ibérique, XIIIe-XVe siècles)
Theory of love, Middle Ages, love, courtly love, humanism

Francisco Bautista, Mario Cossio Olavide
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°46/2023
Sous le signe d'Alphonse X : contextes et lectures de don Juan Manuel
Under the sign of Alfonso X: contexts and readings of Don Juan Manuel

Francisco Bautista, Mario Cossio Olavide
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°46/2023
Sous le signe d'Alphonse X : contextes et lectures de don Juan Manuel
Under the sign of Alfonso X: contexts and readings of Don Juan Manuel

Francisco Bautista, Mario Cossio Olavide
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°46/2023
Sous le signe d'Alphonse X : contextes et lectures de don Juan Manuel
Under the sign of Alfonso X: contexts and readings of Don Juan Manuel

Pascale Molinier
Le care monde
The world of care
Trois essais de psychologie morale
Three essays in moral psychology
Perspectives du care
Why care work is so particularly fertile for moral questions? What can social psychology bring to reflection in ethics? In what way moral philosophy can renew the listening of psychologists? Can they change the way they understand the preoccupations of the ordinary world?

Marlène Bouvet, Florent Chossière, Marine Duc, Estelle Fisson, Nonna Mayer
The social construction of differences
Lexique de la construction sociale des différences
A lexicon of categorizations
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Groups and individuals often dislike being "placed into a box". But how to approach these processes with the tools of contemporary social sciences? This lexicon proposes a toolbox of categorization processes in 48 shows the way researchers in social sciences and humanities make use of these concepts, with current illustrations of them.

Audrey Roig, Anne-Gaëlle Toutain, Armance Neveu
Concert mondial de linguistique française
Mondial concert of french linguistics
Mélanges offerts à Franck Neveu
In honour of Franck Neveu
This tribute volume to the French linguist Franck Neveu brings together contributions on the history and epistemology of linguistics, on French and comparative, synchronic and diachronic syntax and semantics, as well as on dialectology, text genetics, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics and enunciative linguistics.

Aliènor Bertrand
Condillac, philosophe du langage ?
Condillac, philosopher of language ?
La croisée des chemins
With the help of scholars coming from various disciplines (history of philosophy, philosophy of language, linguistic, lexicography), the present volume suggests various ways to circulate in Condillac's writings on language.

Aliènor Bertrand
Condillac, philosophe du langage ?
Condillac, philosopher of language ?
La croisée des chemins
With the help of scholars coming from various disciplines (history of philosophy, philosophy of language, linguistic, lexicography), the present volume suggests various ways to circulate in Condillac's writings on language.

Philippe Savoie
Hors Collection

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