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Marthe Fradet-Hannoyer, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°67/2023-1
Quelles mutations dans le champ de la didactique du français, à l'école primaire ?
What changes are taking place in the teaching of the French language in primary schools?
This dossier examines how the teaching of French deals with the question of changes in education. Work in this area which observes and analyses these changes lies at the center of this discussion, which is as much about learning and teaching issues as those of training.

Philippe Losego
Revue française de pédagogie, n°188/2014
Sociologie et didactiques : traverser les frontières
Sociology and didactics : crossing boundaries
The benefit of connecting sociology and didactics is increasingly evident to education observers. The present issue, drawn from an international conference held at the Haute école pédagogique (Teacher Training College) of Lausanne in 2012, examines the possibilities of connecting the two areas of studies and the constraints this implies.

Xavier Pons, Sylvain Doussot

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